Leadership Frameworks
Developing the New Leadership Model
We work with leading business schools and corporate leaders to create new models of leadership intelligence (LI) that have the power to create positive impact in organizations and communities.
We believe disruption is the core of leadership and advocate for constant process improvement at every level of play. We hold this to be true, that there is nothing in human interaction that cannot be improved, and nothing leaders can take for granted.

The Purpose
To constantly hit refresh on societal evolution, to look for ways to do more with less, to create better results for all stakeholders (including our planet) and to elevate the human experience of life and leadership.

The Profile
You’re a visionary thinker charged with elevating courses in higher education or in your public or private organization. You’re charged with developing a next generation of leaders who can produce better outcomes for your organization and the world it does business with.

The Process
It can be as simple as a series of coaching conversations that will help you play midwife to new ways of leading or as deep as partnering in course development. It can even be a fully produced learning vehicle with your brand on it.

The Payoff
Better thinking for a better world.